Which day will you celebrate?
With Valentine’s Day on a Monday, there is no “right choice” for the day to celebrate, only what's right for you and your sweetie. This gives us lots of opportunities! |
2/11 |
Friday, Feb 11 - Friday Beginner Workshop features Rumba - the ultimate romantic dance for just $18/couple
Details. |
2/12 |
Saturday, Feb 12 - Date Night Dance Class at Blacksburg Community Center - 2 hours of romantic favorites for only $38/couple
Details. |
2/13 |
Sunday, Feb 13 - Private Lessons (http://sapphiredance.com/PrivateLessons.php) available all afternoon - just the two of you (and your teacher!) for $67/couple. Email info@sapphiredance.com for availability. |
2/14 |
Monday, Feb 14 - Sweetheart Special Beginner Dance Workshops - choose between 7pm or 8pm, or take both ($25/couple)
Details. |
2/15 |
Tuesday, Feb 15 - Dancing Solo for Valentine’s Day? Join the party!
Line Dance with Lisa - we don’t need partners to have a great time! ($9/person)
Advance registration required for all these classes and lessons. For more information visit our webpage or email us at info@SapphireDance.com.
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What makes a dance lesson the perfect Valentine’s Day date?
It’s not news that dancing and romance are forever entwined in our hearts and minds. From Cinderella's ball to John Trivolta’s nightclub, dancing has always been the way to sweep your sweetheart off their feet. But why? What makes a dance lesson the perfect Valentine’s Day activity?
1 - We don’t care if you have two left feet and neither does your sweetie.
You don’t have to be a good dancer - just the fact that you planned the dance lesson will score you major points. Especially if dancing does not come naturally to you, the thing your date will remember is that you did it! Plus, you will be amazed how much easier it is to learn with expert instruction (exactly what you'll receive at a Sapphire lesson). Yes, there’s only so much you’ll learn in one lesson, but you will walk out of your dance class able to dance to an entire group of songs.
2 - This treat sends the right message.
A dance lesson together says, “I want to spend time with you. I want to share this experience with you and learn a thing that we can keep doing for years to come. Let’s have fun together.” Now that’s a nice message.
3 - It’s so much fun!
You will, and this is a promise, end up laughing, smiling, intrigued, and challenged at your dance class. You will move, learn, and really participate. There’s no zoning out here - it’s too much fun.
4 - There are lots of options.
We are going all out for Valentine’s Day Weekend. We have lesson options from Feb 11 - Feb 15, most for less than $10/person. That’s less than the cost of a nice dinner or a fancy bottle of wine.
5 - The memories are priceless.
At all of these lessons, you’ll learn skillls and create memories that will last a lifetime. Your instructor will be happy to video or to take pictures of you dancing on your camera during or at the end of your lesson.
(Lessons during COVID are masked and distanced. Advance reservations required.)
To find out more, visit us online at SapphireDance.com, on Facebook at SapphireBallroom, email info@sapphiredance.com, or call 540-382-8782.

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Dancing Solo this February? So are we!
Yes, you can learn and flourish in ballroom dancing without a partner. I’ve done it for years. But, when you’re a solo dancer, there’s something special about learning and doing a dance that is intended to be for an individual. Especially this month. Want to try it? You absolutely should!
I started Line Dancing in the 90’s (yes I’m old), when it was called Country Line Dancing, mostly because you found people doing it in country bars everywhere. Even then, it was not limited to country music: my favorite dance for years was to Gloria Estivan.
But now the music has spread even further. At a typical Line Dance workshop, you’ll hear Ed Sheerin, BTS, Michael Jackson, as well as Carrie Underwood and Kane Brown. I’m hoping Lisa will add some Beatles or Monkeys soon! Do you have a favorite we can include?
If you’re a beginner, we dance on Tuesdays twice a month at 7pm. If you’re an established dancer, once a month on Mondays, you can find our more challenging workshop. We’d love to have you join our group of solo dancers!
Next Beginner Line Dance Workshops - Tuesdays, Feb 15 and Mar 8
Next Challenging Line Dance Workshop - Monday, Feb 28
Masks required in-studio. All Line Dance Workshops are also available on-line with Zoom.


Upcoming Dance Classes: online and in-person
Did you know? There is life (and dancing) after Valentine's Day. |
Events are hosted by Sapphire Ballroom & Dance Center: online, at our studio in Christiansburg, or at the Blacksburg Community Center. Please check locations before traveling!
All group classes now require registration by noon on the day of the class. To register, call 540-382-8782, email info@sapphiredance.com, or pay for your class and register at the same time at SapphireBallroom.square.site.
More information available on our webpage or Facebook page.
Intro to Partner Dance - Sweetheart Special
Monday, February 14, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Intro to Partner Dance - Sweetheart Special
Monday, February 14, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Friday Beginner Workshops
Completely beginner friendly!
Rumba - Embrace the romance.
Friday, February 4, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Rumba - Embrace the romance.
Friday, February 11, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Tango - Learn the Tango
Friday, February 18, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Tango - Learn the Tango
Friday, February 25, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Tango - Learn the Tango
Friday, March 4, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Line Dance Workshops
(Great for beginner and established dancers)
Line Dance - Line Dancing With Lisa
Tuesday, February 15, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Line Dance - Line Dancing With Lisa
Tuesday, March 8, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Line Dance - Line Dancing With Lisa
Tuesday, March 22, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Blacksburg Date Night Dance Classes
(Beginner friendly. Located at the Blacksburg Community Center.)
Intro to Partner Dance - Date Night Dance Class
Saturday, February 12, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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Intro to Partner Dance - Date Night Dance Class
Wednesday, March 23, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
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What's Next Workshops
(Established dancers only)
Level 3+ West Coast Swing - Lots and lots of fancy ways to use what you already know: Side Passes and Rolls
Mondays, February 7, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Technique - Exercises to Improve Balance
Monday, February 7, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Level 3+ West Coast Swing - Lots and lots of fancy ways to use what you already know: Whips
Monday, February 21, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Silver Waltz / Fox Trot - Strong Foundations
Ins and Outs of Outside Partner Position in Waltz
Monday, February 21, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Line Dance - Leveling up the Choreo
Monday, February 28, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Silver Waltz / Fox Trot - Strong Foundations
Ins and Outs of Outside Partner Position in Fox Trot
Monday, February 28, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Rumba - Simple and Cute Varietions
Monday, March 7, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Technique - Exercises to Improve Balance
Monday, March 7, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Line Dance - Leveling up the Choreo
Monday, March 14, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked.
Until we see you again, happy dancing! |
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