Sapphire Dance News - October, 2018
October is Full of Weekend Dance Opportunities
If you are looking for ways to get out on the weekends, October is your month. We have something happening at the Sapphire Studio in Christiansburg 3 of the 4 weekends this month. One - maybe all three - of them is going to be just the event for you. Keep reading for detailed descriptions below about the Senior Social & Dance Party hosted by LLI (Lifelong Learning Institute), the Monster Bash Dance Party which is always a scream, and West Coast Swing workshops led by Eddie and Adela from Charlottesville. Of course, you don’t have to pick just one: you could come to them all.
October also brings with it a new set of Group Classes at the Blacksburg Community Center. These awesome 4-week classes start next week and feature several different styles at a beginner-friendly level. Check out the Upcoming Events section for a quick look at all the fantastic Sapphire stuff happening this month including a class just for tweens, classes and workshops for advanced dancers, the special events listed above, and more!
As the weather turns cooler, and the nights get longer, don't forget that you don't have to be stuck at home - get out and go dancing!
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Senior Social & Dance Party hosted by LLI - Sunday, October 7
Before fully describing the Senior Social & Dance Party, we need to introduce you to the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) of Virginia Tech. Pulling straight from their website, http://www.cpe.vt.edu/lifelonglearning/, LLI is a member-driven, volunteer organization that draws on the wealth of academic and community resources in the New River Valley to provide intellectual, cultural, and social experiences for curious adults 50 and older. Sapphire is excited to be partnering with this group to provide enriching experiences to our community!
You do not have to be a member of LLI to come out to the Social, just interested in dancing and meeting cool people. You will also get to enjoy a light dinner, enjoy ballroom dance performances, and then try dancing during the beginner-friendly lesson taught by Sapphire Staff, if you're up for it.
This is not the first LLI-Sapphire dance, and will not be the last. Come out to support the great things our area has to offer to the senior community!
The Senior Social & Dance Party will be Sunday, October 7, from 4-6pm, at Sapphire Ballroom on Main Street in Christiansburg. It is $15 a person; please RSVP by October 4 to Sapphire Ballroom at 540-382-8782 or info@sapphiredance.com.
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Monster Bash Dance Party - Saturday, October 13 |
It’s always so exciting when October rolls around and we can get a little whacky for a Halloween-themed dance party. I know, who are we kidding… Sapphire people are whacky all year round. But anyhow. . .
On Saturday, October 13, come out for October's Dance Party: the Monster Bash. While costumes are never required, we highly encourage you to get a little creative with your attire. You can always throw on a wig or put on a fake mustache at the very least, right? Consider it a chance to try out your ideas for your “real” Halloween costume. We might even have a special prize for the best costume.
The dance will begin with a Cha Cha lesson at 7:30 and procede to open dancing at 8:30. Cha Cha is one of the more festive Latin dances and is a perfect way to start the fun. Ryan will be start the lesson off nice and slow, so if you have never seen Cha Cha, or never danced at all, be sure to come to the beginning. Then he will kick it up a few notches near the end to knock the socks off some of you more advanced dancers. Then we dim the lights, and then - bwaahahaha - we DANCE!
Want to see pictures from other Monster Bashes? Check out the Sapphire Ballroom Facebook page at Facebook.com/SapphireBallroom. You’ll find a picture of Debbi dressed as Lane and Lane dressed as Debbi. That wasn’t confusing at all.
Find more information on all of Sapphire’s dance parties and special events at
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West Coast Swing Workshops with Eddie + Adela - October 20, 4 & 5 pm |
If you dance West Coast Swing, at any level, you need to mark your calendar for Saturday, October 20, when Eddie and Adela from Charlottesville come to Sapphire. They will be giving a good-for-everyone “Technique Tune-Up” from 4-5pm. And then going for more intermediate material in the second workshop: “Rocking and Rolling” with the Inside Roll (aka - Spinning Side Pass) from 5-6pm. You need to be familiar with West Coast Swing to really enjoy either workshop, though with the earlier one you can definitely still be somewhat a beginner.
Find all the details and registration at http://www.sapphiredance.com/Adela-Eddie.html.
At the heart of the social and improvisational aspects of partner dancing is good technique and connection. All dance styles have these elements, but some emphasize them earlier in a dancer’s education… West Coast Swing is definitely one of early-on dances. With a good WCS background, you could jump on the dance floor at any dance, anywhere, with anyone, and have an enjoyable dance...and from personal experience, some of the most AH-MAZING dance moments happen in these “out of the blue” situations. This incredible communication works with a perfect stranger!
The drive for that communication is one of the many reasons we bring in outside instructors to offer classes to our community. They help you to keep improving your ability to feel good as well as look good on the dance floor, and to have the technique and skill to dance with anyone at any level. Isn’t that why so many of us dance?
Don’t miss this awesome opportunity to learn from these experienced dancers, dance with different people, and just have a plain good ol’ time. Get excited! (We are.)
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Coming Events:
Events are hosted at the Sapphire Studio on Main Street in Christiansburg unless specified otherwise.

Friday Night Beginner Workshops (CTAM) - Every Friday this Month, 7:00pm
Come learn the basics of some incredibly fun dances, with no commitment.

Upper Level Foxtrot: Box Your Fox - Monday, 10/1, 8:00pm
Variety is the spice of life! Adding a box to your foxtrot is just the spice you need.

Level 1 Waltz (4-week class) - Tuesdays, 10/2, 6:15pm
This iconic ballroom dance is known for its beauty and grace. Taught at the Blacksburg Community Center.

Level 3 Waltz, formerly Class-By-Request (4-week class) - Wednesdays, 10/3, 6:15pm
Previous Waltz experience required. Taught at the Blacksburg Community Center.

Level 1 Rumba (4-week class) - Wednesdays, 10/3, 7:15pm
Let’s get ready to Rumba! Learn about the basics and a couple of cool tricks at the Blacksburg Community Center.

Senior Social & Dance Party - Sunday, 10/7, 4:00pm
Enjoy a light dinner, meet new friends, enjoy ballroom dance performances, and then (if you want) try dancing during the beginner-friendly lesson. Please RSVP by October 4 to Sapphire Ballroom. Hosted by LLI at Virginia Tech.

Silver Waltz & Foxtrot: From the Foundations Up (8-week class) - Mondays, 10/8, 8:00pm
Building a
solid foundation in the next level of Waltz and Fox Trot. |

Upper Level Salsa: Our Favorite Shines - Monday, 10/8, 7:00pm
Shines are solo moves that will have you shining like a star, or a sapphire ;).

Monster Bash Dance Party - Saturday, 10/13, 7:30pm
It’s a graveyard smash! Dust off the cobwebs and bare those vampire fangs, tonight is the night to let your inner ghoul out and teach it to Cha Cha. Costumes are not required, but highly encouraged.

Upper Level Bachata: Cuddles, Capes, & Closed - Monday, 10/15, 7:00pm
Exploring the shifting world of Bachata positions.

Junior Ballroom Tweens Edition (4-week class) - Friday, 10/19, 5:00pm
Expose your tweens to the finer things in life, like Ballroom Dancing.

Monthly Milonga - Friday, 10/19, 8:30pm
A monthly dance party dedicated solely to Argentine Tango.

West Coast Swing Workshops with Eddie and Adela, Saturday, 10/20, 4pm & 5pm
Are you ready to Rock & Roll? |

Upper Level Cha Cha: Cross Body Leads - Monday, 10/22, 7:00pm
Working this
move from it's foundation on up.

Upper Level Salsa: Copas & Combs - Monday, 10/29, 7:00pm
Fancy moves for jazzing up this fast Latin favorite.
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Thanks for reading; we hope you found something you liked. Until we see you again, happy dancing! |

30 W Main Street, Suite C,
Christiansburg, VA 24073 - 540-382-8782
www.SapphireDance.com |